American Samoa Community College

III.C.1.  Technology services, professional support, facilities, hardware and software are appropriate and adequate to support the institution’s management and operational functions, academic programs, teaching and learning, and support services.

ASCC ensures that its various types of technology needs are identified through 1) Institutional Program Review and Divisional Assessment, 2) Request Protocol for employees to communicate their technology needs and requests by following proper protocol, and 3) reports generated by Management Information Systems (MIS) Division.

Institutional Program Review and Divisional Assessment. Through Program Review and Divisional Assessment, ASCC employees are able to report what technology services are provided and whether these are adequate for their purposes. Results of the program review are analyzed by the Institutional Planning Executive Core Committee (IPECC), in order to update priorities that are then used to create goals and objectives placed in the Institutional Strategic Plan (ISP). The results of 2014 Institutional Program Review1 was used create goals and objectives for the 2015-2020 Institutional Strategic Plan2. Each year, divisions update outcomes in order to work toward achieving goals and objectives in the ISP. Progress made towards divisional outcomes is reported using quarterly reports. In the 4th quarterly report, each division provides a summary of outcomes that were completed and those that were incomplete.

Diagram 1 shows progress made in completing the MIS Outcomes for fiscal year 2013-2014 that was reported in the MIS 4th quarterly report summary.3 According to this, outcomes ranged from 84% - 94% completed. MIS completed most of its outcome objectives in 2014 in efforts to effectively meet the needs of ASCC.

Diagram 1. MIS Outcome Completion for FY2013-2014







Diagram 2 shows the progress made towards completing the Technology Plan goals of the 2009-2014 Strategic Plan as of the end of 2014. According to this, the stated goals range from 89% to 95% completed. This shows that ASCC completed a majority of its technology goals stated in the 2009-2014 ISP in efforts to effectively meet the technology needs of ASCC.

Diagram 2. Technology Plan (ISP 2009-2014) Goal Completion.


Summary data from program review and divisional assessments are distributed to division heads to be used for divisional improvements. In addition, all data collected from program review and divisional assessments is available upon request from the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Division.

Request Protocol. Each ASCC division follows protocol when reporting needs and/or requests, including those for technology. Requests for technology support may be reported directly to MIS as a work order request. Technology requests that require approval must be routed through a divisional Dean, Director, Officer or Vice President prior to submission to MIS. Request for technology support are tracked through software used by MIS called Trackit Pro, and progress toward these requests are reported through biweekly and quarterly reports.

Every two weeks, MIS staff report status of projects and work orders to the CIO. CIO also runs a summary report on completed work orders using Trackit. Summary reports are also submitted on number of students served in the computer labs. This information is used to compile the MIS Biweekly Report that is submitted to the IE division by uploading to Compliance Assist, an online portal used in part for report tracking. This is completed every two weeks to show how well MIS is completing its tasks. This process is detailed on MIS SOPs4. Information from the biweekly reports is also used to create quarterly reports, which are also uploaded to compliance assist. 

MIS Reports. The MIS Division is responsible for providing support for campus technology. Supported technology include Personal Computer (PC) and Mac Desktops and Laptops, All-in-one laser printers, scanners, projectors, video teleconference units, phone conference units, phones, fax machines, Smart-boards, I-pads, and lecture hall sound system and microphones.

The MIS Division is organized into offices that provide support for different areas of technology for ASCC. These offices are 1) Office of CIO, 2) Network and Multimedia, 3) Helpdesk, 4) Systems Administration, 5) Web and Communications, 6) Website Administration, and 7) Computer Labs. Each office provides technology support to ASCC users either directly by responding to a work order or providing direct assistance, or indirectly by completing projects for the MIS Division to improve MIS services. Technology needs that arise within these offices or by any users supported by these offices are reported to MIS through email, phone or visit to the MIS office. MIS has a support email address ( that is tied to the Trackit software. A work order is automatically created when a user emails the support address. An email confirmation is also automatically generated and sent to the user, including the work order number, to confirm their request has been received. This process is documented in MIS Standard Operating Procedures for creating a work order request.5

Work order requests for technology support are entered into Trackit Pro. MIS uses Trackit to assign work orders to the appropriate technician, document work orders from start to finish, confirm completion of work order with users via email including the satisfaction survey link, and run reports.

MIS uses Trackit reports to help identify technology needs. An example of this is a report on Work Order Trends by Type. Diagram 3 shows an example of this report, summarizing the total number of work orders by the work order type from January to December 2014.

From this report, MIS is able to identify user needs based on the amount of work orders in each type. For example, the report displayed in Diagram 3 shows that in 2014, MIS received the most requests for computer, network and printer support. This report identifies a strong need for technology support, especially in the areas of computers, the network, and printers. This trend has been consistent in previous years. Responding to this, MIS has hired more technicians in the offices that support these three areas. Also steadily increasing recently are requests for server support. MIS has a System Administrator assigned to these work orders, but MIS is monitoring this increase to see if more staff is needed to provide server support.

Diagram 3.January – December 2014 ASCC Work Order Trends by Type.


When a work order is completed, an E-mail is automatically sent to the requestor to notify them that their work order has been completed. The requestor has the option to respond if he/she feels the work order was not completed. Diagram 4 shows a sample E-mail that is sent to the requestor when their work order has been completed.

Diagram 4. MIS Work Order Completion Confirmation E-mail.

Included in the confirmation email is a link to an online survey to measure user satisfaction. This survey also provides a section for user comments. MIS runs a summary report for this survey once a month to identify user needs and identify any weaknesses in support. This report is shared with MIS staff during staff meetings to find ways to improve on weaknesses and to reinforce strengths and share the feedback from users.

The most recent MIS user satisfaction survey results show that a majority of the respondents to the survey are satisfied with the services provided by MIS. Diagram 5 shows a summary chart of the user ratings for the process used to get their technology problem resolved.


Diagram 5. User feedback on process for resolving technology problem.

According to Diagram 5, 55 percent of the respondents reported the process for resolving the issue was Very Good, 17 percent reported it was Good, 17 percent reported that it was average, seven percent reported that it was Poor, and three percent reported that it was very poor. The responses collected using this survey shows that users are generally satisfied with the technology support provided by MIS. However, compared to data that was collected prior to this, satisfaction has slightly decreased. Some factors that may have contributed to this are that MIS was short-staffed by two employees for the second half of the year, so completing requests took longer.

At the end of 2014, MIS placed a student satisfaction survey in the computer labs to test responses. There was good feedback from students. Even though this was a test, MIS used the results to improve MIS services. MIS reinforced cleanliness and clarifying computer lab rules during semester breaks as a result of this. From this test, MIS also found that an online survey may be a better way for collecting this data rather than just having a printed version. MIS is currently working on placing this survey online, alongside the employee satisfaction survey.

In meeting the technology needs of ASCC, the following provides an overview of the technology equipment and facilities that are available to ASCC students and employees.

ASCC provides 21 instructional computer labs available for courses that require the use of computers to deliver the course. The following are computer labs that are used for instruction with number of computers available:

  1. TED Mac Lab A (15 desktops)
  2. TED Mac Lab B (5 desktops)
  3. TED Rm. 10 Mac Lab (28 desktops)
  4. ELI CAPP Lab A (20 laptops)
  5. ELI CAPP Lab B (20 laptops)
  6. Math CAPP Lab (30 laptops)
  7. Science Lab A (25 laptops)
  8. Science Lab B (25 laptops)
  9. Science Lab C (25 laptops)
  10. TTD Lab A– ICT(25 desktops)
  11. TTD Lab B– ICT(25 desktops)
  12. TTD Lab C– ICT (25 Netbooks)
  13. TTD Lab D–Electronics (6 desktops)
  14. TTD Lab E–ADT (6 desktops)
  15. Adult Education (AELEL) Computer Lab (10 desktops)
  16. Business Department Computer Lab(20 desktops)
  17. Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Computer Lab (10 desktops)
  18. Nursing Lab A (6 desktops)
  19. Nursing Lab B (10 desktops)
  20. Samoan Studies Institute Computer Lab (6 desktops)
  21. CNR Computer Lab (10 desktops)

Total instructional computer lab computers: 352

ASCC provides 6 computer labs that are available to the general student population. These computer labs are:

  1. Rm. 15 Computer Lab (32 desktops)
  2. Rm. 16 Computer Lab (32 desktops)
  3. Library Computer lab  (10 desktops)
  4. Library Teacher Education Computer Lab (8 desktops)
  5. Student Services Student Learning Assistance (SLA) Center Computer Lab (5 desktops)
  6. Annex Computer Lab (6)  - CHECK SSS LAB #s

Total general computer lab computers: 102
Total computers available to students in all computers labs: 454

MIS houses server equipment that offers the following services to the ASCC community.

Active Directory / DHCP Services. Directory and DHCP Services control user logins and computer connectivity. Each ASCC employee gets a login, and this is the same login employees can use to access their E-mail account, the Colleague system, and also the employee wireless network. MIS also houses student Active Directory servers to provide students with logins. With this login, students can take advantage of online registration and checking their information online, such as majors, grades, and transcripts. Students can also use their logins to access the student wireless network.

Blackbaud. Prior to the use of the Colleague system, ASCC used a system called Blackbaud. This system was used by the Finance, Admissions, and Records Offices. These three divisions still need the data that is on this old system. MIS still houses this software for these three divisions so that they have access to the historical data that has not been moved to the new Colleague system.

Colleague Administrative Suite. The Colleague software is the Administrative Suite used by ASCC to manage its finances, registration (online and through Admissions Office), student and employee information, as well as reporting. Initially, there were seven servers installed in 2008 to support this software. MIS completed an upgrade that expanded the hardware to 14 servers, most of them virtual machines to improve security and recovery using best practices. The main users of the system for data entry are the Human Resources, Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Procurement, and Finance divisions.

The Colleague system offers capabilities for additional support through a service called WebAdvisor. This allows Deans, Directors, Officers, Vice Presidents and President access to manage their budgets, and students’ access for online registration and academic records such as unofficial transcripts and course schedules.

E-mail. All ASCC employees are provided with an E-mail account on the domain supported by MIS. E-mail accessibility is available from on or off campus.

Financial Aid Software. MIS houses software for the Financial Aid office, including EDExpress and EDConnect. This same server is also used for Financial Aid file sharing.

Website. ASCC houses its website locally, and it is available at The website provides access to current ASCC information, and is available to anyone with an internet connection. The Website also provides links to online ASCC services including Moodle, Webmail, Library Search, WebAdvisor, Samoan Media Search, Compliance Assist, Archive, and Photo Gallery.

Moodle. MIS houses a Moodle server, which supports teachers with their course delivery. Moodle allows for students to log in and acquire course materials such as presentations, syllabi, schedules, and other information. Students may also take quizzes online, post in the discussion forum and upload assignments. The instructors have the ability to grade the assignments online, provide feedback to students on their assignments, grade quizzes online, and keep a grade book that students have access to so they may check their status in the course throughout the semester.  Moodle is currently being used by nine academic departments:  Teacher Education, CAPP English, Fine Arts & Music, Health and Human Services, Language and Literature, Samoan Studies Institute, Social Science, Science and Trades and Technology.

Library Software. MIS also houses a server that supports Follet software. This is a catalog searching software that allows students to search the library card catalog by specific subjects, authors or keywords.

File Sharing. Some divisions require sharing files to increase efficiency in their offices. MIS offers this service on some of its servers, and more recently through the use of Network Access Storage units. Currently MIS hosts file sharing for Institutional Effectiveness, Financial Aid, Samoan Studies Institute, Academic Affairs, Human Resources and the Data Committee.

In addition to the services hosted on server systems and user support, MIS also offers the following technology services:

Internet Connection. The MIS division also supports three external connections to the Internet Service Providers (ISP). These connections are terminated at the MIS Server Room. Currently ASCC is connected through a 4Mbps fiber connection to Bluesky Communications. ASCC also has a second connection to Bluesky via a 2Mbps wireless connection. This is a backup to the fiber connection. ASCC has another connection through a 1Mbps connection to American Samoa Telecommunications Authority (ASTCA). MIS manages these main connections for the ASCC campus, excluding only two divisions that are located farthest from the Administrative Building, which are Community and Natural Resources (CNR) and Small Business Development Center (SBDC). These two divisions have opted to manage their own network connectivity. However, MIS also manages a wireless network that covers the entire campus, and reaches these two divisions, so that they may take advantage of services on the ASCC intranet.

In addition to managing external connections, MIS also manages all wired connection from all offices back to the server room. The Network office supports wire pulls and network equipment installation on campus for any new offices or buildings and replaces old lines.

Compliance Assist. Compliance Assist (CA) is a fully integrated and comprehensive online solution for managing institutional research, planning, and accreditation needs. It is powered by Campus Labs, an online solutions company in Alpharetta, Georgia.  The website designed for ASCC has three modules: Accreditation, Planning, and Program Review. CA is currently being used for Strategic Planning, Quarterly and Bi-weekly reporting. Instructions for reporting are given to designated users who have been given access to templates on the site. The site was managed and monitored by the Institutional Researcher of the Institutional Effectiveness Division until recently. At the end of September, management and monitoring of the Compliance Assist site was moved to MIS to keep systems support consistent.

CA is used by ASCC to house documents such as the Quarterly Reports and Biweekly Reports. Each divisional unit is provided a username and password to access this portal in order to upload its own reports. Additional features include a Planning module in which Deans and Directors upload their Bi-weekly and Quarterly Reports. The current Strategic Plan is uploaded to this module for updates.  The Accreditation module is currently used for the self-evaluation process by allowing permitted users to coordinate the Self Study Report and to streamline evidence uploaded for the institution’s use. The Program Review module is currently under construction for future use. The site features a comprehensive data Gallery to house all institutional documents.

Wireless Network. MIS manages the wireless network that is available throughout the campus. There are two wireless connections available. One is for ASCC employees that they can access using their ASCC login accounts. The second wireless connection is available to students. In order for users to access the wireless network, they need to register their laptop with MIS, then use their login to access the wireless network.

Phone Support. MIS supports the phone lines on campus. New line pulls are completed by the local phone company, ASTCA, but MIS is responsible for performing basic troubleshooting and contacting ASTCA for bigger requests.

E-mail Spam and Virus Filter. MIS supports a spam and virus firewall called Barracuda to block any spam or virus from getting into the e-mail system.

Firewall. MIS supports a Sonicwall unit to protect Network connectivity between the internal and external networks.

Antivirus. MIS deploys Bitdefender antivirus for the entire campus on each computer that belongs to ASCC. It also deploys antivirus for each of its server units.

Multimedia. Each division has access to computers, printers and Smartboards. Copying services are available to faculty and staff on campus through the Printing Services that is under the supervision of the Vice President of Administration and Finance. Faculty members also have access to projectors and laptops they may check out from the Academic Affairs Division. Trades and Technology and Teacher Education faculty have the option to check out projector equipment from the Director’s office. All ASCC divisions may check out document cameras, laptops, projectors, projector screens and speakers from the multimedia center housed in the MIS Division.

Technology Consulting. There is a collaborative effort to provide the best technological services for ASCC. The MIS Division plays a significant role in this collaboration, because it is charged with the responsibility to oversee the support for technology on campus. Each division is responsible to assess its own technology needs. When a need arises for technological services, a division consults with the MIS Division, whether it is to purchase equipment, implement software, or even to provide insight on defining the parameters of a project. MIS is tasked with making sure the ASCC technology policies and processes are followed.

Decisions pertaining to technology services, facilities, hardware and software are made in alignment to divisional outcomes and the technological goals and objectives stated in the strategic plan.

Facilities. The MIS Division reports to the Vice President of Administration and Finance, who also supervises the Physical Facilities and Maintenance (PFM) division. PFM is responsible for managing facilities on campus. PFM and MIS work together to make sure that all facilities are properly equipped with appropriate technology.

The Special Projects coordinator is in charge of major renovation and building projects. Whenever there is a new building project, MIS is involved during the planning to make sure the technology requirements for the new facility are provided for during the planning and construction period of the process.

Hardware and Software. MIS is responsible for creating the minimum specifications for hardware and software on campus. Each division is responsible for decisions made to purchase new hardware or software. MIS collaborates with all divisions to review hardware and software purchase requisitions to make sure that minimum specifications and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) requirements are met.

Technology services are provided directly by ASCC, and provisions are made for reliability, disaster recovery, privacy and security.

Reliability. MIS tracks information that indicates the success or failure of MIS in relation to reliability through helpdesk software. MIS has increased staff, and data is reviewed every two weeks. Regular maintenance is performed by the System Administrator to ensure downtime is minimized. MIS uses the results of the satisfaction survey to help assess how well MIS is providing support to the users. Some questions measure reliability.

ASCC has a generator unit that supports the ASCC server room. All servers are also connected to Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units that provide backup power when there is a power outage. Therefore, power to the technology equipment in the server room is consistent, even during a power outage. The power is automatically switched to the generator unit if the power goes out. This has increased reliability of systems being up and running. This has resolved many server issues, because outages are recurring, and tend to last longer than the backup battery time allowed for by the UPS units connected to the servers, especially on the weekends.

Disaster Recovery. There are 24 servers in the MIS Server Room. MIS uses two software; one called Shadowprotect and the other called Syncbak in order to perform backups of all server data. The MIS System Administrator has updated the ASCC disaster recovery plan.

Privacy. To promote privacy, the password policy on the server defaults to require users to reset their passwords once a month. The best way to prevent privacy infringement would be to increase awareness, and currently, as stated before, training has not been adequate. MIS advises users on the importance of password protection. Emails have gone out to warn users of this. More training is necessary in this area to increase awareness of the importance of protecting passwords.

Security. To prevent security breaches, MIS implements the password reset policy, uses a Firewall, and Web and Spam filter software as detailed above. MIS allows very limited access to the MIS Server room. No one is allowed entry unless approved by the CIO. The CIO and the Network Specialist collaborate in overseeing Security for the MIS systems. MIS has a full-time System Administrator who assists with these areas on a daily basis.

ASCC has a representative in the American Samoa Cyber Security Working Group (CSWG), whose purpose is to help increase awareness and security on American Samoa systems. This group sends out security newsletters and holds training on security practices that is available to its members. ASCC has benefited from implementing security processes learned from membership in this group.

Currently ASCC does not offer distance learning programs or courses. However, distance learning technology is being used in on-campus courses. Technology for distance learning includes the Moodle Course Management System, Video Teleconferencing (VTC) Units, computers, and network connections. These resources provide the infrastructure for ASCC to implement distance learning in the future.

Moodle. The Moodle Course Management System is used by instructional departments to provide online access to their students for learning support. Most of the time, these courses are offered in a classroom equipped with computers for the students. Access is also available from on or off-campus computers. Moodle is not a substitute for the required class contact hours.

VTC Units. Currently, there is one VTC unit installed at the CNR conference room. ASCC has updated other VTC equipment with ARRA funding and is in the process of installing this new equipment.

Computers. Instructors using Moodle help deliver their courses in instructional computer labs. As stated above, ASCC provides 21 instructional computer labs available for instructors who use Moodle to support the delivery of courses.

Network Connections. ASCC has increased its bandwidth from one external connection 512Kbps, to three external connections: 1) Bluesky Fiber connection of 4Mbps, 2) Bluesky Wireless connection of 2Mbps, and 3) ASTCA connection of a shared 1Mbps. MIS has also installed a new firewall that allows ASCC to divide and prioritize these connections, helping to resolve bandwidth issues. Bandwidth still remains a major consideration because it is still very expensive locally.

The American Samoa Government has increased resource availability to the Manu’a Islands. As part of this initiative, the President asked MIS to do an assessment of what technology is necessary in order to extend our courses via distance learning to once again include the Manu’a Islands. A report on this was submitted to the President from MIS stating that the technology is available, but the proper agreements need to be drafted.6 On both sides, computer and network technology exist to make this possible.

Divisions are responsible for the purchase of equipment with divisional budget. However, MIS does provide assistance to programs that have no funding for technology equipment. As part of the replacement and disposal process7, if any division replaces technology, the items replaced are to be transferred to MIS to be documented and cleared of any data. If the equipment is still in good condition, the equipment may be redistributed to other divisions to be used.

ASCC has measures in place to allow for needs to be expressed and identified through program review, divisional assessment, request protocol and MIS reports. The MIS division is tasked with providing technology support for ASCC. MIS uses reports from helpdesk software and satisfaction surveys to collect and review data to improve processes and meet the technology needs of ASCC.

Feedback from employees through satisfaction surveys, program review and divisional assessment shows that a high percentage of technology needs are being met. MIS is currently working on placing the student satisfaction survey online to create a better way of collecting data on student satisfaction for technology services.

MIS has continued to maintain a high percentage of completing goals and objectives during the year in support of the Institutional Strategic Plan. This supports the statement that technology needs are being met at ASCC.

Divisions work collaboratively to make technology decisions. The provisions for reliability, disaster recovery, privacy, and security are available for the current technology usage at ASCC. ASCC does not offer distance learning courses or programs, but does support distance learning technology.

Distribution of technology equipment has not been an issue in the past because each division is responsible for purchasing technology using divisional funds. However, the replacement and disposal process allows for MIS to assist divisions without budget for technology.

1 - 2014 Institutional Program Review Summary & Findings
2 - Institutional Strategic Plan 2015-2020
3 - MIS 4th Quarterly Report
4 - MIS Bi-weekly Standard of Operating Procedures
5 - MIS Creating Work Orders Standard of Operating Procedures
6 - ASCC Committees, Memos and Documentations: MIS Documents, Technology for Distance Learning ASCC/ASDOE-Manua
7 - Replacement and Disposal Process