II.A.14. Graduates completing career-technical certificates and degrees demonstrate technical and professional competencies that meet employment standards and other applicable standards and preparation for external licensure and certification
ASCC verifies and maintains currency of employment opportunities through ongoing review and assessment of program learning outcomes and improvement of program review processes with all academic programs including career-technical programs. One of the College’s Institutional Student Achievement set standards emphasizes degree/certificate completion and transfer, particularly on transition into the workforce. 1 A thorough review by an Academic Subcommittee comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators has resulted in finalizing a set standard on job placement.
Through its review, the Academic Subcommittee relied on its Academic Program Review and Academic Program tracking for providing up to date information on ASCC graduates in career technical areas. The institution has also set a process in which graduates are tracked through advising, counseling services, and establishment of MOUs with government agencies.2 This provides career and technical information for the institution to thoroughly review its program learning outcomes and to ensure achievement of student learning outcomes through successful transition in to the workforce. 3
It was decided that the institution would concentrate on the programs, which had reliable and valid data and also were designed for students to immediately transition into the workforce. The list of departments was narrowed down to the TED, TTD and Nursing programs. The rate was determined using the average number of graduates from the three programs who were successfully tracked into the workforce over a six-year period. As a result, the rate was set at 50 percent with a stretch goal of 63 percent.
Graduates of vocational and occupational programs demonstrate success through the following elements:
- MOUs (Apprenticeship/Workforce Development)
- Employment Statistics (Business, TED, TTD and Nursing Students)
- National Certification Exams (Praxis, NCLEX, ACE)
Sources of reliable information include national test scores, Community Advisory Council feedback, and employer feedback.
Faculty plays a key role in the developing of SLO and competencies as they have expertise and knowledge in their own disciplines. Career technical programs such as Nursing, Business, Trades, and Teacher Education each rely on a community advisory council for reliable feedback in the evaluation of career technical programs. Most of these programs are supported by the community through established MOUs/MOAs with government agencies. Members of the community advisory councils are listed in the catalog under each academic program/department.4