II.A.5. The institution’s degrees and programs follow practices common to American higher education, including appropriate length, breadth, depth, rigor, course sequencing, time to completion, and synthesis of learning. The institution ensures that the minimum degree requirements are 60 semester credit hours or equivalent at the associate level, and 120 credits or equivalent at the baccalaureate level.
The institution assures high quality instruction for all its programs through assessment and improved planning of student learning outcomes. Quality of instruction is initially evaluated by the academic departments, programs, and divisions. ASCC faculty demonstrates the quality of its instruction through assessment, data collection and analysis to improve student learning and instruction. Academic departments and programs identify the level of competencies through utilizing analytical/holistic rubrics and rubrics summaries to determine achievement of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and/or Program Learning Outcomes (PLO). ASCC levels of Student Learning Outcomes are thoroughly reviewed and assessed to ensure alignment to the institutional mission. The biennial review of the catalog allows internal stakeholders to assess, plan, and improve quality of instruction1.
The College has identified and standardized its general education outcomes (GEO) and core and co-foundational areas for all AA/AS/B.Ed. degree programs. These outcomes and areas are comparable to those offered at other accredited institutions. GEO requirements have been identified to assess GEO outcomes for all degree programs to ensure students are well rounded in the general education area upon completion of the first year. In addition, core and co-foundational area requirements have been identified to assess and enhance students’ knowledge in the content areas. Any AA/AS degree has a two-year time frame period for a student to complete all AA/AS requirements. All Certificates of Proficiency require completion of General Education Math and English requirements. GE outcomes have been identified for the B.Ed. program and are embedded in the third-year courses. 2 The B.Ed. program has a continuation of a two-year time frame period for a student to complete all B.Ed. third and fourth year requirements upon a completion of the AA with an emphasis in Elementary Education.
ASCC, through the Curriculum Committee, has established and set minimum degree requirements for all its degrees and certificates following common practices by American higher education on degree/certificate requirements. A minimum of 127 academic credits is required for a Bachelor of Education degree as indicated in the 2014-2016 catalog. A minimum of 60 academic credits is required for an Associate degree. The General Education requirements for all Associate of Arts/Science degree programs are comprised of general education courses, which address the five General Education domains. These GE domains are Communication, Information Technology Literacy, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness & Cultural Competence, and Personal Development & Responsibility. A minimum of 30 academic credits is required for a Certificate of Proficiency degree. 3
1 - Assessment Planning Committee & Closing the Assessment Loop Guidelines (Revised) Fall 2014
2 - ASCC Catalog: AA/AS/COP degrees and certificates, p. 44-71
3 - ASCC Catalog: AA/AS/COP degrees and certificates, p. 44-71