II.C.5. The institution provides counseling and/or academic advising programs to support student development and success and prepares faculty and other personnel responsible for the advising function. Counseling and advising programs orient students to ensure they understand the requirements related to their programs of study and receive timely, useful, and accurate information about relevant academic requirements, including graduation and transfer policies.
The changes made at the College to comply with this standard were guided by Recommendation 1.
The American Samoa Community College has in place advising and counseling procedures that serve all students, from entry to graduation. The ASCC Catalog, provide additional guidance to students throughout their academic program on policies, rules and procedures as applicable to students. Individual Educational Plan (IEP)/Advising sheets are provided for each student during the registration process.
Designated Academic Advisors assist students with their educational plans during registration and throughout the academic year. In addition, students can access their Individual Educational Program (IEP) evaluations online.
Counseling Services are provided to enhance students’ general and program success in the areas of academic, personal, career, transfer, veterans, and diversity & tutorial support. Financial Aid counselors assist all students who are eligible for federal financial aid and provide referral to student employment and other options for non-Pell students.
Tutoring and transfer counseling services were enhanced through the years by refining its processes to be more academically connected. As a result, all students accessing these services were recorded, and their progress was tracked to assess course completion and success at the end of each semester.
In its efforts to enhance and foster student learning and success, the college has also improved its support services in the following areas:
- Priority registration is offered to enrolled students at the end of each semester and summer 1
- Online registration afforded to continuing students on campus
SOP # |
001-AA |
Responsibility: |
Department Chairperson, faculty, All Deans, Academic Directors and Associate Dean |
Title: |
Academic Advising |
Policy: |
#5106 Faculty Accessibility, ASCC Student Handbook 2009-2010, pg. 25 |
Scope: |
Academic Deans, Directors, Department Chairperson, New and adjunct faculty |
Review Date: |
March 2014/Spring Semester |
Academic Advising is an opportunity to exchange information designed to help students reach their educational and career goals. Advising is a shared responsibility between the advisor and the student.
Reference: Google
- Department Chairpersons are issued with class rosters at the beginning of each semester, before disseminating class rosters to the faculty , the chairperson identifies which student are in their academic degree program.
ID |
Student Name |
Spec Need |
Credits/CEU |
Acade Level Taken |
Class |
Acade Program |
Admit Stat |
Ant Cmpl Date |
Rpt Crs |
P/A |
Acad Cr Stat |
Add/Drop/ Withdraw Date |
Drop Gr |
0015984 |
John Doe |
3.00 cr |
UG |
FR |
Add |
6/11/13 |
0015942 |
Jane Doe |
3.00 cr |
UG |
FR |
2/15 |
Add |
6/10/13 |
0015948 |
Rex Doe |
3.00 cr |
UG |
FR |
11/15 |
New |
6/7/13 |
0014495 |
Mary Doe |
3.00 cr |
UG |
FR |
10/15 |
New |
6/10/13 |
- Once the student(s) has been identified, the chairperson/faculty schedules a meeting with the student.
- The Department Chairperson and/or faculty assist the student with their Individual Education Plan by using an Academic Advising sheet.
- Chairperson/faculty creates a matrix of what courses that the student needs to take in the following semester.
- The chairperson/faculty creates the semester schedule according to the need of the student(s). For example see matrix below.
Academic Advising
The entire ASCC faculty is committed to helping each student pursue a course of study to fulfill his/her Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.). Academic advisors are knowledgeable of their academic disciplines, but also have the understanding of the rationale that underlies the curricula of ASCC. Students are strongly encouraged to seek assistance early in their college careers.
Academic advising includes:
- Assisting students in clarifying, articulating, and attaining academic and life goals;
- Facilitating each student’s academic adjustment to the campus;
- Educating students to assess academic progress and to develop educational plans;
- Explaining and clarifying college core courses, graduation requirements, and academic rules and regulations;
- Advise students on issues as they relate to academic progress, which may include referral to appropriate College programs and community agencies; and,
- Serving as advocates and mediator for your program and students.